Monday, January 31, 2011

Great-Grandma's China

I finally got my great-grandmother's china out of the basement and emptied 4 boxes that have been sitting packed in the basement for 4 1/2 years!  I have to admit that I'm not getting rid of much that was in those boxes.  But I did get it all put away in my sideboard and china cabinet.  So now it's on display, can be used, and is no longer taking up space in the basement.

The sideboard with Great-Grandma's china right where it should be.

The China Cabinet with new additions.

While I'm at it, I'll also show you this piece that was given to me (along with this gorgeous china cabinet) by our dear friend and old neighbour, Linda.  This piece is a collectible (not worth a lot of money, but I like it) and dates 1890-1920:

Those last two pictures were for Marie :)

Anyhow, in going through these 4 boxes as well as the stuff I've already gone through, I do realize that my environmental tendencies are  making me reluctant to get rid of things.  I'm always looking for some way to re-use or re-purpose something and I don't like excessive garbage.  So it's really hard to throw things out if I think there's even the possibility of using it in the future.  This I must get over.  If I'm not going to use it for sure, I need to get it out of the house.  It's a careful balance.  I'm attempting to strike it.


  1. The china cabinet and sideboard look lovely with the china in them. Very beautiful! And I'll bet the basement feels more open with four fewer boxes... that always feels good.

  2. Oops... that was Liz above, btw... I keep forgetting to sign it ... sorry.
